Treatment for Stained Neck Muscles

Neck Conditions Treated by Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Techniques that Treat Neck Conditions

Physiotherapists are trained to assess and diagnose musculoskeletal injuries. They use an evidence-based technique to provide rapid pain relief from neck pain. Treatment options include:

Manipulative Therapy

Manual manipulative therapy is an effective technique. It is used to treat chronic and acute neck pain. Manipulative therapy helps to reduce pain, improve neck movement and prevent further deterioration. Manipulative therapy involves manipulation, therapeutic exercise and passive joint mobilisation.

Cervical Traction

Physical therapists use this technique to improve motion and provide pain relief. Traction is used to separate joint surfaces in the neck. It gently opens the spaces between the cervical vertebrae to alleviate pressure on the affected discs. Cervical traction can be done intermittently, or continuously between short periods of rest and pulling.


Studies indicate that exercise could be the most beneficial tool for recovery from neck pain. Your physiotherapist might prescribe exercises to decrease your pain and improve the range of movement in your neck. They could also recommend strength exercises if muscle weakness was identified during the physical examination.

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