Sports Injury

Sports injuries occur during sporting activities. It could be as a result of overuse, overtraining or poor form. Some of the common types of injuries include muscle sprains, concussions, and ankle sprain. Sports injuries can either be acute or chronic. Acute injuries occur suddenly when engaging in sports or exercises and may require mild care. Chronic injuries, on the other hand, are a result of prolonged sporting activity.

Types of sports injuries

Sprained ankle

When the ligaments that support the joint get overstretched the ankle is sprained. Asides engaging in sporting activities, ankle sprains can be picked up while performing normal activities. For instance, a miss-step that twists the foot could cause an ankle sprain. The pain associated with ankle sprain may be mild or severe, as the case may be.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused by poor posture and many other conditions, including sports. Golfers have a high tendency to sustain this injury due to overuse – performing the same swinging motion repeatedly. People who participate in sports where they have to lift weights are also susceptible to lower back pain. Lower back pain tends to heal on its own.


A concussion is an example of a traumatic brain injury. Concussions occur when there is a direct and forceful hit to the head or body. Young people and those who participate in contact sports have a higher risk for concussions. Concussions can be life-threatening, and thus, require some extra care and supervision. In most cases, one is not allowed to resume sports without a doctor’s clearance.

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee is an overuse injury. It is also called patellofemoral pain syndrome. This injury occurs when the soft tissues in the knee together with the tendons get irritated. Runner’s knee can also be caused by a misaligned kneecap.

How Can You Prevent Sports Injuries?

It is almost inevitable to engage in sports without sustaining one form of injury or another. There are, however, precautions one can take to reduce the risk of injuries. Some of these are:

Warming up

It is not advisable to jump into a sporting activity without adequately warming up for it. Preparation is key. When you take out time to prepare the muscles by either jogging or stretching, they develop more endurance and flexibility needed for the game. Besides keeping you fit for the game you would have successfully reduced the risk of picking up an injury.

Resting at intervals

Resting cannot be overemphasized. The body needs it to repair itself and you need it to catch your breath. In football, half-time is designed primarily for this reason. Other sports have resting times too.

Wearing recommended protective gear

For increased safety and protection from injuries, wear protective gear. Footballers wear shin guards, basketballers where knee pads and cyclists wear helmets. If you are going to play a sport locally still wear protective gear.

Understanding the body

Don’t force your body to run 5 km if it’s not strong enough to cover that distance. By pushing your body beyond what it can handle you might just pick up an injury in the process. So, consider how fit you are, your recovery from a previous injury, and even the slightest discomfort before engaging in sports.


As long as you engage in sporting activities, exercises or fitness training you may get an injury. You can, however, reduce your risk of getting injured by taking precautions. Also, see your doctor or a physical therapist whenever you get injured so you get proper medical care.

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