Treatment for Ligament Sprains

What is a Sprained ligament?

A ligament sprain occurs when there is a tear or stretch in the ligament. Ligaments are fibrous tissue bands that connect bones at a joint.

What are the causes of a sprained ligament?

Twisting, falling and trauma to the joint are common causes of sprains. The joints can move outside of their normal movement range when these injuries occur, stretching or tearing the ligament in the process.

Other situations that can lead to sprain include:

  • Sudden twist or pivoting of the joints
  • Running or walking on uneven surfaces
  • Landing on the hand or wrist during a fall
  • Sports that involve the use of racquets
  • Injuries sustained from contact sports

Diagnosis for a sprained ligament

During a physical examination, swelling and tender points around the affected area will be the first thing a doctor checks for. The intensity of the pain and the size of the area affected will be used to determine the extent of the damage.
Fractures and other bone injuries can be ruled out as the source of the problem by carrying out X-rays. An MRI (Magnetic Imaging Resonance) in some cases will be used to determine the nature of the injury.

Sprain prevention

You can reduce the risk of causing a sprain by regularly engaging in stretching and strengthening exercises as part of a general physical conditioning program. It is preferable to be in the best possible physical shape so as to enable your body to play sport or undertake other physical activities safely, rather than doing said activities in order to be in shape. Regular conditioning can help you stay away from injuries if your occupation is physically demanding.

By working to strengthen and condition the muscles around the joint area, you provide long-term protection for your joints. Consult your doctor to learn the correct stability exercises and conditioning. Also, make use of footwear that gives support and protection.

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